Tag Archives: pigskin

That’s Football


So much fun from a sphere-shaped ball.

Was it really called a pigskin?

Yes, but there’s nothing the matter

With the old pig bladder

That history called a football.

A well-thrown pass

And a field of grass

Beats all the games kids play.

I’m the quarterback. No it’s me.

What fun it is to argue with thee.

I throw the ball; you catch it and run;

He tackles you. You fall on your bum.

There is no clock to kill the time.

Just get the ball across the line.


Really, no other game will do;

We play unhampered by an officiating crew.

Oh yes, such fun

It is to run,

To kick the ball, and catch it too,

To play the game with a friend such as you.

That’s when football is at its best.

When play is so fun we forget to rest.

That’s football.

By David Madrid

Contact: David Madrid