Happy New Year 2025
Welcome 2025
I know I’m late in my Happy New Year to all.
Hopefully it will be a good year.
One good thing about this year so far is the night sky.
Above is a photo of the Moon peeking into my bedroom this morning at 3:05 a.m. Jan. 12. I don’t recall noticing the Moon looking into my room before.
The photo on the website header is the Moon and Jupiter showing off at 8:55 p.m. Jan. 11.
Off to the left, out of sight in the header, is Mars, shining red in the sky. It will be closest to the earth tonight Jan. 12.
The planets visible in the sky now are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars.
Look up and you can see the constellation Orion the Hunter, which stands out in the night.
Find the three-star belt to see Orion.
The Orion drawing is from EarthSky, a website to visit to see and understand the full magnificence of our sky this month.
In the meantime, here is a New Year’s joke.
What happened to the man who stole a calendar on New Year’s Eve?
He got 12 months.
I know it is a corny joke, but sometimes corny isn’t so bad.
Here is another joke.
How did Prince celebrate the new millennium?
He partied like it was 1999.
OK. That last joke you have to have some context if you don’t get it. That’s what God created Google for.
Look it up.
David Madrid
Contact: David Madrid